Bullyakut: Eldritch Blackjack
( prototype )
Programming, Design, and Art by Philip Stanley (pdrexler.itch.io)
Music, Sound, and Art by Ekata (eanderson.itch.io)
Programs used: Godot, Krita, Birdfont, Reaper
Websites: https://godotshaders.com/
- Purpose
- This is an experiment in Translation as a game mechanic
- The player is in an strange place with recognizable features
- For this prototype, most of the mystery has been removed, and the actions a player may take are not hidden by the language.
if you would like to maintain some mystery in this demo, DO NOT READ the below text
if you find yourself confused or frustrated, feel free lift the veil
- Game Actions:
- New: set opponents and deal cards to everyone
- Draw: draw a card
- Cut: choose a card to discard and end your turn
- counter - 2
- End Turn: pass the turn to the next player
- counter - 1
- End Game: everyone discards
- Quit: back to main menu
- Prototype
- Game Mechanics:
- Every hand starts with a counter of 3 times the number of players, +1
- when the counter runs out, scoring begins
- Pairs count for 1 point, three of kinds 3 points, 4 of a kind 5, etc
- Straights (min 3) count for 3 points with+2 for each extra card after the 3rd
- Total rank of your hand will Bust your score over 21 ==> score = 0
- Total rank of your hand will Bust your score equal 21 ==> score x2
- Opponents show their "intent," or how strong their hand is
- this was meant to be one of the ways the player could solve the rules and language
- Every hand starts with a counter of 3 times the number of players, +1
- Game Mechanics: